Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How To Turn Any Laptop To Apple Notebook

Ever wanted to have an Apple notebook but don’t have money to buy it? Now you can turn your existing laptop into an Apple notebook without charge you any cent! It is FREE!! LOL. You just need to have an apple and the tape to attach it on your laptop . Isn’t it cool?


Anonymous said...


with an optionnal worm provides by the apple's corp..

Sophiagurl said...

LOL, that'll do it of course. =) thanks for visiting.

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Now that's pretty creative :) Wonder if sticking an apple to my old walkman would make it an Ipod or something. LOL

LeVrone~ said...

LoLz! Very..... efficient and cheap too!! gotta show this to my friends, they're gonna love it!! XD

Matthias Köbrich said...

:) wtf?.... not bad. i must admit, i had to laugh...


Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...


meyang I ailema said...

hmmmmm correct thinking and very wise :D lols...

MetalMrForever said...

Entertained but very ironic.