Monday, June 25, 2007

My day...

I used to start every morning by spending almost 1/2 hr devouring the local newspaper. After I'd read about all the contents, I'd head to the office --- and always wondered why I felt so bad when I got there :-) For over 6 years now I've started every day by sitting in front of computer screen, and it's amazing what's happened in my life...or is it?

"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts"


Kim Kia said...

Hi, Good post! You are doing the right thing. Feed your mind with the "right" stuff. Have you read the book "the Science of Getting Rich"? Bob Proctor started out with this book.
Go to

Dav DiDi said...

What is the pic ?

Dav DiDi said...

What is the pic ?

warcoff said...

nice post here blogilicious kito palembang